Information for those with Debt Problems who are having difficulty paying bills;
If you haven't paid your Council Tax, the council will make an application for a 'liability order' in the Magistrates Court for arrears of Council Tax
If the court grants the liability order, it will mean the council can:
Use bailiffs to get the money from you (by taking things of value that you own); or
Take money from your wages or benefits.
Are you paying too much?At this stage, it is worth checking whether you could ask for lower Council Tax payments, or whether you should have to pay Council Tax at all (Council Tax exemption). There are different ways you might be able to reduce what you owe. Some examples include:
Claiming backdated Council Tax Benefit for a maximum of 52 weeks if you have been on a low income, and there's been a good reason such as a very serious illness;
Asking for Council Tax discount of 25% if you were the only adult in the house (other than students, full-time carers, severely mentally disabled people and anyone whose main home is elsewhere);
Asking to have your house or flat revalued (if it is revalued into a lower Council Tax band, you will pay less Council Tax);
Not having to pay Council Tax if the house or flat has only students living in it;
Not having to pay Council Tax if the people who live in the house or flat are 'severely mentally disabled'.
There are other circumstances where you may not have to pay or could get payments reduced. Contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau for more about this.